Preliminary Analysis of Ethanol Production of Sugarcane Varieties ( Clones) in Crushing Season 几个甘蔗品种(系)榨季产酒精量的初步分析
Preliminary Studies on the Production of Transgenic Pigs Which Can Resist Classical Swine Fever Virus Infection 抗猪瘟病毒转基因猪的构建及初步研究
Preliminary Research on Production Low Carbon Low Silicon Non-oriented Electrical Silicon Steel Mid-wide Strip EBSD analyses on grain orientation and grain boundary structure of grain-oriented silicon steel 低碳低硅中宽冷轧无取向电工钢带生产初探EBSD研究取向硅钢晶粒取向和晶界结构
Preliminary Studies on the Production of Gender Preselected Embryos and the Embryos Transfer in White Cashmere Goat 白绒山羊性控胚胎生产及移植应用研究初探
Code for preliminary work of production of chemical large and medium plant pipeline 化学工业大、中型装置生产准备工作规范
The Research of Nickel Buckles Cathode Plate with Silk Screen Printing and the Preliminary Design of the Production Line 丝网印刷法制备镍扣极板工艺研究及极板生产线的初步设计
Preliminary Optimization of Production Condition of Rabies Virus with MDCK Cells Cultured in Serum-free Medium 无血清培养MDCK细胞生产狂犬病病毒条件的初步优化
Magnetic and Electrical Properties of SI-ORIENT-CORE-HI-B-LS Preliminary Research on Production Low Carbon Low Silicon Non-oriented Electrical Silicon Steel Mid-wide Strip 晶粒取向电器用硅[硅]钢;片-高硼低硫定取向钢片之磁力及电力性能低碳低硅中宽冷轧无取向电工钢带生产初探
LPCVD Nitrides Furnace Process Particle Improvement Preliminary Research on Production Low Carbon Low Silicon Non-oriented Electrical Silicon Steel Mid-wide Strip LPCVD氮化硅炉管生产工艺中颗粒污染的研究低碳低硅中宽冷轧无取向电工钢带生产初探
Anshan is preliminary already mastered production cars panel, home appliance board and food-grade steel the core of the product technology, this project can replace imported. 鞍钢已初步掌握了生产轿车面板、家电板和食品级钢板产品的核心的工艺技术,该项目可以替代进口。
Construction and Preliminary Application of Agricultural Production Techniques and Market Information Ontology 农业生产技术和市场信息本体构建及其初步应用
Preliminary study on production model of sugarcane& taking sugar contant dynamic analysis as example 甘蔗生产模型初探&以糖分动态分析为例
Few countries could realize the industrialized production of few kinds of edible fungi, while China's edible fungus industry is still in the stage of preliminary production with farm pattern, which badly needs large-scale industrialized production. 国外少数国家实现了部分食用菌的工厂化和自动化生产,我国的食用菌产业仍处于农户栽培模式的初级阶段,工厂化规模生产亟待加强。
A preliminary study of production of SOD and complex amino acids from hog blood 猪血生产SOD及复合氨基酸研究初报
A preliminary suggestion on the production development and technology research and development of hydrogen peroxide is put forward. 提出了对国内过氧化氢生产发展及工艺研发的初步建议。
Preliminary Studies on the Production of Carrot Artificial Seeds 胡萝卜人工种子制备的初步研究
Preliminary studies on production costs and economic efficiency of pair trawlers in Nantong region 论拖网渔船的最优化双拖网渔船生产成本与经济效益初探
Preliminary Study on Production Potentials Exploitation of Farmland Moisture in the Relatively Arid Part of Semi-humid Areas of Ningxia 宁夏半湿润偏旱区农田水分生产潜力开发初探
Process feature of CSP line and its preliminary production practice at Lianyuan steel 涟钢CSP生产线的特点及初步生产实践
A Preliminary Study on the Production Technological Process of Improving the Quality of Famous Autumn Tea 提高秋名茶品质的生产工艺流程初探
Preliminary Studies on Tomato Production with Simplified Nutrient Film Technique 简化营养液膜技术栽培番茄研究初报
Have carried on the preliminary practice on the production management. 在生产管理上进行了初步实践。
Preliminary study of the production patterns of economic forests in China 试论我国经济林生产布局
Preliminary discussion on production processing of pure cotton Combed OE Yarn 转杯纺纯棉精梳纱的生产工艺初探
The Preliminary Study on Production of Superoxide Dismutase from Ganoderma Lucidum by Submerged Fermentation 灵芝深层发酵产生超氧化物歧化酶的初步研究
Preliminary Study on the Production of Vitamin B_ ( 12) Using an Anaerobe 利用厌氧菌生物合成维生素B(12)的初步研究
The preliminary study on the production of edible mushroom using stillage 利用酒糟生产食用菌的初步研究
The study-oriented mode, which lasted from the medieval times to the modern times, is the preliminary knowledge production mode of university. 书斋型是大学初始的知识生产方式,从中世纪开始一直延续到近代。
In this study, B. cepacia lipase was immobilized on macroporous ion exchange resin by adsorption. Optimization of immobilization and preliminary application in biodiesel production was investigated. 本文以离子交换树脂为载体对B.cepacia脂肪酶的固定化工艺进行了系统研究,并在生物柴油制备中进行了初步应用和性能检验。